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Get to know the epididymis and diseases that can accompany it

The epididymis is a channel in the scrotum that attaches to the back of the testis. The epididymis has the main function of transporting and storing sperm produced by the testes. In its structure, the epididymis consists of the head (head), corpus (body), cauda (tail). The head of the epididymis functions as a place to store sperm. The body of the epididymis acts as a place for sperm maturation, usually sperm maturation takes about one week. Finally, the epididymis tail, which is responsible for delivering sperm into the ejaculatory ducts.

Various Kinds of Epididymic Disease

There are various diseases that can attack the epididymis, some of which are:
  • Epididymitis

  • Epididymitis is an epididymal inflammation caused by bacterial infections or sexually transmitted diseases. This condition can occur in men of any age, but generally in men aged between 14 to 35 years. Most epididymitis is caused by prostate infection. However, this condition can also occur due to the influence of tuberculosis or due to injury to the groin.
  • Epididymal cyst

  • Epididymal cyst (spermatocele) is a fluid-filled cyst that forms in the epididymal canal. The cause of epididymal cyst is still unknown. However, it is likely that this condition is caused by a blockage in the epididymis channel.
  • Epididimo-orchitis

  • Epididimo-orchitis is inflammation that occurs in the epididymis and testicles due to infection, especially urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted infections. Epididimo-orchitis is characterized by swelling and pain in the scrotum.

Learn Various Ways to Overcome Diseases that Attack Epididymis

In diagnosing diseases of the epididymis, the doctor will start by tracing a history of complaints, then proceed with a physical examination, such as assessing the lymph nodes in the groin area and assessing whether there is an enlargement of the size of the testes. The doctor may also recommend supporting tests, such as urine and blood tests, screening for sexually transmitted infections, and ultrasound. After diagnosis, the doctor will treat epididymitis according to the causes and symptoms experienced by the patient. Commonly prescribed medications include:
  • Antibiotics, to overcome the bacteria that cause infections that cause inflammation.
  • Painkillers.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, to relieve inflammation that occurs in the epididymis.
Epididimo-orchitis can also be treated with antibiotics. Of course, this treatment must be done in consultation with a doctor first, because the drugs given must be adjusted to the causes. Unlike epididimo-orchitis, epididymal cyst disease generally does not require special treatment. However, you still need to consult a doctor to monitor its progress. Handling of the doctor is very necessary if the epididymal cyst gets bigger and starts to cause pain. In certain cases, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo surgical removal of the cyst in the epididymis if the condition is getting worse. The operation known as spermatocelectomy generally lasts briefly, less than an hour. In undergoing various treatments for the epididymis, you must follow the rules and doctor's instructions, both in taking drugs and in implementing a healthy lifestyle. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms related to epididymal disease, to avoid dangerous complications.
